No Adverse Effects Reported in Patients with Spine Stimulators Treated with Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
In a new report, researchers report on
treatment outcomes of patients with implanted spinal stimulators for
post-surgical continued back pain management. Patients with these
devices have “failed back surgery syndrome” with continued back pain after back surgery. After being treated with chiropractic spinal
manipulation or mobilization, the patients in
the study reported no adverse side effects. (1) The first rule of being a
physician is “Do no harm”. This study shows how spinal manipulation and
mobilization do just that. Minster Chiropractic Center offers Minster
chiropractic care that does not harm. Schedule a visit today!
Chronic Neck Pain Patients Walk More Stiffly
Patients with chronic neck pain have a shorter stride and less
thoracic spinal rotation when walking. This will likely have long term effects on the
spine. (2) Minster Chiropractic Center’s
best advice: Don’t let neck pain turn chronic. Get Minster
chiropractic care relief sooner than later, and walk more easily.
minutes of Exercise a Week – For All of Us Especially After Back Surgery
National guidelines suggest that we all
get 150 minutes of exercise weekly. How many of us
Minster folks do? Just 52%! Sadly, even fewer - just 26% - post-back surgery
patients do this. It is shown that
150 minutes prevents more back surgery and helps post-surgical back
pain patients going. They also feel
less back pain after surgery. (3)
Physical exercise is so effective. Minster Chiropractic Center encourages a simple walk a day to all Minster chiropractic
Placebo and Pain Meds for Back and Leg Pain Similar
A meta-analysis, the
highest form of research reporting, reports that NSAIDSdespite their being. one of the most frequently prescribed
drugs for sciatic leg pain offer similar pain relief and overall improvement to
placebo with a higher risk of adverse side-effects. (4) Another
study reports that NSAIDS are effective for spinal pain but the
difference between NSAID relief and placebo relief is not clinically relevant.
It further says that there are no simple analgesics that give
clinically important relief over placebo. (5) Well, Minster Chiropractic Center’s
non-drug Minster chiropractic care is pain-relieving! Contact Minster Chiropractic Center today
for an appointment.
March may be the month of luck and green-leafed
clovers, but luck may also be defined as being prepared for the
opportunity/issue/problem before us. When it comes to back pain, neck pain, arm
pain and leg pain, Minster Chiropractic Center is. Our Minster chiropractic care practice
is so glad to share these new advances and findings with our
Minster chiropractic friends and family!
Schedule an appointment today!