You are probably wondering exactly just what chiropractic Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression is and why Minster Chiropractic Center chooses to utilize this chiropractic technique to help your Minster back pain.
Chiefly, you will first see the chiropractic table, custom designed to allow movements that traction the spine, decompress spinal discs, and reduce pressure on the facet joints of the spine. You will then note the simplicity of movement for the adjusting doctor who controls your spine and the table at all times and for you who finds the motion calming and relieving. Each motion, like those of a normal spine, are smooth and rhythmical, allowing each spinal segment to move in its natural range of motion.
Click below to see how each condition is treated:
Schedule an appointment with Minster Chiropractic Center in Minster to experience this gentle, chiropractic adjusting!
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Dr. James M. Cox I."