Healthy News June 2024

picture Minster chiropractic ultrasound imaging of spinal vertebrae during treatment

READY TO SEE YOUR SPINE MOVE?! Exciting Possibility!

Are you curious about what your spine looks like moving under your chiropractor’s hand? Exciting studies – at least to your Minster chiropractor! - are underway leading in that direction! A recent study was just distributed that recorded the reliability of ultrasound measurement of spinous process gapping - the change in distance between the spinous processes as they gap - during Cox® Technic flexion distraction spinal manipulation. (1) Cox® Technic is so precise a treatment protocol that specific segment activity can be prompted. Say, for a patient experiencing pain due to an L5-S1 disc herniation, biomechanical studies have revealed that Cox® Technic widens the area of the spine’s intervertebral foramen by 28% allowing a herniated disc room to not physically irritate a spinal nerve. Movement of the spinal vertebrae (mean) in flexion was 3.68° with 0.80 mm separation. (2,3) Very good! Chiropractic care at Minster Chiropractic Center helps reduce back pain and leg pain so our Minster chiropractic patients can return to their normal activities of daily living! Some day, technology may even allow us, you and your chiropractor, to visualize the changes as they are happening. Quite sensational!

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox, developer of Cox® Technic protocols, on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson about the recorded benefits of The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.

Minster chiropractic and nutritious blueberries 


Blueberries for Weight Control, Mood, Memory, and More!

Flavonoids – polyphenolic compounds that make fruits and vegetables colorful – are well-known for being antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging as well as effective in enhancing cardiovascular health and increasing memory. A new study added to this list by noting that the more one eats flavonoid-rich foods, the lower the risk one has of having type 2 diabetes (4) while another noted just how well consuming fruits and vegetables enhanced memory and attention, especially in children’s immediate recall after comsuming blueberries while older adults need more of both to attain as significant an improvement. (5) And lastly, the pterostilbene compound from blueberries is one that may help the management of obesity and mental well-being. (6) Eating wild blueberries showed improved mental affect and executive function after a single dose of blueberries in adults with depressive symptoms. (7) Blueberries are so healthy! Enjoy some today as part of your nutrition plan!

Minster Chiropractic Center keeps abreast of the latest in spine-related studies to give you the best Minster chiropractic care possible. We appreciate your passing this info onto others who may be interested, too. See you soon!

Make your Minster chiropractic appointment today!

"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."