Quercetin. How many Q-starting vitamins or minerals can you think of? Well, quercetin is a beneficial
one! A yellow pigment in plants used as a food supplement to reduce
allergic responses or enhance immunity, quercetin is demonstrating
itself to do more than just that! Its anti-inflammatory, immune-system
supporting, and gut microbiota-regulating elements to name a few
are attracting the attention of Minster Chiropractic Center. We know
our Minster chiropractic patients will appreciate this
vitamin flavonoid even more!
Quercetin as a flavonoid that are in herbs,
fruits (apples, berries), onions, seeds, nuts, and green tea is described
as offering beneficial effects on human health by
controlling antioxidant activities, immune-modulatory impacts,
and regulating metabolic pathways. How? By modifying gene expression,
signaling pathways and controlling proteins and cytokines. Quercetin is thought
to most likely impact the P12K/AKT pathway and benefit
neurodegenerative disorders, liver diseases, and diabetes. (1) Quercetin has
been demonstrated to alleviate the neuralgia and the
inflammatory response of the sciatic nerve and spinal dorsal horn in rats with
chronic constriction injury. (2) Minster Chiropractic Center is all for anti-inflammatory
responses when it comes to containing pain!
Quercetin’s reputation is growing
stronger a lot! Its use for
treating and possibly preventing autoimmune
diseases which appear resulting from a
breakdown and dysregulation of the immune system is being analyzed.
Dietary supplementation is being implemented more and
more due to positive effects, relative safety, and low
cost. Quercetin shows promise in this area due to its anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, and neuroprotective
benefits. Studies of late heralded
positive effects of quercetin on rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel
disease, multiple sclerosis, and lupus. (3) Minster chiropractic patients
with autoimmune disease may want to look
at quercetin with us.
Quercetin is also standing out in
treatment of metabolic diseases like diabetes, hyperlipedemia, and nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease. Minster chiropractic patients experience
these types of issues, too. Animal experiments found that
quercetin helped insulin secretion, enhanced
insulin resistance, lowered blood lipid levels, inhibited
inflammation and oxidative stress, alleviated hepatic lipid
accumulation, and regulated gut microbiota.
Future human studies are hoped to discover a way to increase
the bioavailability of quercetin as well as detail its effectiveness.
(4) Minster Chiropractic Center includes nutritional supports like
quercetin with its chiropractic spinal manipulation via Cox® Technic to assist
our Minster chiropractic patients find pain relief and enjoy better health.
CONTACT Minster Chiropractic Center
Listen to this PODCAST
with Dr. James Cox on The Back
Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he illustrates
The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management and how chiropractic spinal
manipulation may affect to the immune system.
Schedule your Minster chiropractic appointment
today. Be curious about the Q-vitamin! We will help
you with its pronunciation and discuss just how quercetin may
be a positive flavonoid for you!