Not Feeling Understood About Your Back and Leg Pain? Older Minster Back Pain Sufferers Are At Minster Chiropractic Center.

 “My chiropractor gets it. My Minster chiropractor is aware of how this back pain and sciatica have upset my life. My Minster chiropractor is helping  relieve the back pain and leg pain, so I can live my life again.” Minster Chiropractic Center listens to this all the time! Minster back pain and leg pain patients of all ages  and especially our older Minster back pain patients who have sought help from many other doctors with no relief. Minster Chiropractic Center helps relieve back pain and leg pain gently and successfully with Cox Technic.


Having back pain or leg pain (sciatica) when you’re older is unique compared with a time – like most things in life – when you had back pain or sciatica as a younger person. There is a range of types of sciatica patients – those who experience mild leg pain to those with high pain, disability and timeframe of being affected by it. Researchers revealed that most improvement for pain and disability occurred in the first 4 months for all. At one year, 45% (mild) to 27% (high pain/disability) of the patients described recovery at one year. (1) Sciatica affects about 25% of us. Typical complaints are of lower limb pain that is worse than the lower back pain. Numbness and motor weakness may also join the leg pain. The typical care options are pain medications of all kinds from NSAIDS to opioids without much proof for their use. Additionally, most clinical trials for these meds for managing the pain of sciatica actually exclude older people. (2) Minster Chiropractic Center implements a non-drug choice for older adult back pain and leg pain that has research evidence to support its use and documentation of its effectiveness for that life-changing encounter with back and sciatic pain.


Patients explain to researchers that “It has changed my whole life.” “It” is chronic low back pain which is back pain that lasts beyond 3 months. Specifically, a recent article explains that back pain sufferers articulate that it harms their sense of self, makes them feel like they are trapped in a body that just will not work any longer, complicates family relationships, keeps them working in pain, and causes them to feel socially and recreationally withdrawn. (3) Minster Chiropractic Center has witnessed this in its years of taking care of Minster back pain. Back pain disrupts life. Minster Chiropractic Center offers hope with its Cox Technic system of spine pain management. Often, Minster Chiropractic Center hears from Minster back pain patients that just 50% relief would be really very gratifying, allowing them to return to their lives.

CONTACT Minster Chiropractic Center

Schedule a Minster chiropractic visit today! Minster Chiropractic Center welcomes, understands and alleviates back pain and sciatic pain for our Minster older adults with Minster back pain and Minster sciatica. Your Minster chiropractor, your Minster back pain specialist, gets “it” and gets you.

Older back pain and leg pain sufferers feel understood and are helped at Minster Chiropractic Center.  
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